Shane Dawson made up a parody video by Lady Ga Ga Ft Beyoncé - Telephone but instead a Dude's version. I think this song sound much better than the original, that's my opinion.
I can't wait for the release date of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood! I just love this game, I've been playing Assassin's Creed since the first episode was released. The things I like about this games and they other episode, That it's historical and all the cities are design the same way as in real life in italy for 600 years ago, but now in present time they're still some building left. They're types of different missions that you get from unique people, like collecting feathers and finding rare hiding Glyphs or getting an assasination job to murder someone. ect
In my thought, You should burn some cash on this game cause it won't let you down.
And I'll want to thanks my brother for helping me with the text
With a personal touch from my brother. Yo you read this shit cuz ill put like more 60% of my brain in this crap.. Damn i should totatly get paid by doing these kind of shizzel everyday. I bet you would do it so dont start getting thought and pointing finger thinking im some cheap wallet eater. The end
onsdag 1 september 2010
Café Piazza Today I was with Victoria and had coffee in Täby center, she took a carrot cake and a coffee latte while I took a blueberry pie and a big cup of coffee with no sugar, it was so cozy!
MAX After we walked around the center, so Victoria decided to run her car to Max is a Hamburgers Restaurants with 100% Swedish beef and taste more like homemade, doesn't served fake meat like McDonald does. But today was the premiere of the restaurant, so everything was so brand new and I have never seen so long queue in my life! because some of them got free coupons inside a magazine where you can get some discounts or something like that, for a burger and the coupon was used only the premiere so you may know the reason. But their burger was damn good and I think it's worth it, so I really recommend to eat there!.